Movie Evaluation: Avatar, Should You See It?

For those of you still sitting on the fence, and deciding if you want to see the blockbuster Avatar while it’s still in theaters, then let his quick review be your guide. I’ll help you to make a decision on whether or not you want spend your hard earned money. I’ll go over the good points, and the bad points, and come up with an easy decision.

The first positive about the movie is the magnificent special effects. The aliens are so real in this movie, you’d swear they were as real as the guy sitting next to you in the theater. There is no need to suspend your disbelief, or go along with the story. The aliens are just as real as the human actors, and the interaction between them are completely real and believable.

The second positive is the stunning scenery. If you like nature movies even a little bit, you’ll love this movie for this reason alone. The mountains, the trees and plants, and even the animals are so completely beautiful and pleasing to the eye that you can easily get lost in just this portion of the movie. There are several scenes that are obviously done with special effects and computers, but they blend right in with the real stuff.

The major negative about this movie is that the plot is not all that original. In fact, I doubt there are any movie goers that didn’t see the end coming a mile away. If you’ve ever seen a movie where an underdog had to fight against a more powerful opponent, then you know exactly how this is going to come out.

The second major negative is that this movie can easily be seen as condescending. The aliens only survive against the evil invading humans due to the help of another human. And since the aliens are clearly metaphorical representations of Native Americans, it makes it seem like the director feels that the Native Americans can only survive with the help of a white guy.

But in the end, the positives clearly out weight the negatives, making this movie well worth watching. We strongly recommend that you see this while it is still in theaters, so you can fully enjoy this stunning visual treat.

If you want to legally watch full movie downloads, hop on over to the movie download site today.

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