New Software Increases Website Sales By Up To 40%

There is new software I have been testing on one of my websites that has dramatically increased my closure rate on the site. The software is named virtual smart agent and it acts like a virtual sales agent on your site. In the past I tested live chat and a few of the other software’s out there but this one is very different.

The one really nice thing about the software is you don’t have to wait around by your computer like some of the other live chat software waiting for someone to engage you. This software pops up a small window when the visitor leaves your website. It makes a quick sales pitch before the visitor leaves like if you buy today you receive 25% on our special widget. It then can engage the visitor and can tell them the benefits of the product. The software can also be programmed to have either a man or a women smart agent. You can also use a virtual agent that looks like a cartoon figure.

The virtual smart agent can be programmed to do many things other than just sales function alone. It can be programmed to be a customer service agent. The responses are canned so it goes down through a list of things to say. You can ask it questions and it is programmed to answer them. The software is pretty amazing really. It can take the place of several people in your organization like sales, service and even reception.

We use our virtual smart agent for the sales function. It takes about two weeks to program the system with the help from the factory. The virtual smart agent is really great for us because we are located in Thailand and our customer base is in America so we have exactly a twelve hour time difference between New York and Bangkok time zones. This would be impossible for us to cover the computer if we were using live chat software or any type of live help just due to the logistics of our location. The virtual agent works 24/7 providing us an online presence when we are at home, on holiday or just out of the office.

Another great feature about a virtual smart agent is that it keeps a customer on your site for a longer period of time making your website stickier. It is fun to engage the virtual sales agent and have a discussion with it. It is artificial intelligence it the best form, that of a real human talking sales agent. I personally believe that the software has resulted in several sales that would be normally lost without the system. As time goes on we are trying new and better ideas like having the agent give away free e-book and other promotion items in exchange for their email address. This is so we can email them their promotional item and then later follow up with other offers and promotions.

Affiliate marketers that are trying to get sign-ups on their lead capture page would be foolish not to consider using this software on their website. I haven’t tested the software with traffic on PPC sites but I would imagine it would work just fine. Conversion from visitors to customer has had a big impact on my site I am testing and the bottom line of the site. Any site that has traffic but a conversion problem would be a good candidate for this product.

In summary, if you’re a website owner, affiliate marketer or a business owner with a website I recommend highly trying the virtual smart agent software package. We found that using it has caused a measurable increase in conversions and in sales by using the software and pleased with the low cost of implementation onto our site.

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