If you run a contact centre, you will be aware that the success or failure of your business relies on how well your customer service agents perform and whether they follow their schedule correctly. If your agents stick to the schedules they have been given, they will be much more productive and therefore you do not need to keep hiring new staff.
The TotalView Adherence Suite from IEX Corporation offers you the chance to monitor agent progress and activity without any real effort. You will be able to plan your schedules a lot better as well as cut costs and improve customer service.
There are many advanced features with this programme, but the most popular and the most useful is the real-time adherence function. This feature actually compares an agent’s activity to all current activity so you can actually make sure that all of your agents are following their schedules at any time during the day.
There is nothing complicated about the system. Once you have logged on, if anyone is not on schedule, that person’s name will be highlighted so that you are aware. It is up to your how you deal with it, but at any time of day you can log on and check. You will be able to view an overall summary of each agent’s performance levels and with all of the information in front of you; you have access to all areas of your agents’ work levels at a glance.
You will quickly be able to see which agents are not performing as they should be as well as those who require more training. It is not uncommon for agents to think that by avoiding becoming available they will not have to spend time receiving new contracts. You will be able to pick out the lazy agents immediately and take the appropriate action.
This Adherence suite also allows you to find out which agents are consistently late for work or take longer breaks than they should. It will divide the hard workers from those who survive on the back of everyone else. You will be able to perform all of the above actions from one single screen which lets you compare the agent’s schedule with their actual performance.
You can set your own customised preferences which can be sorted by a number of criteria including scheduled activity and agent name allowing you to display the most important information first. If you have agents who require extra monitoring, you can tag them so that their stats are always displayed first.
There is an historical adherence feature which enables you to print a report of for the previous few days comparing performance indicators and activity. You can quickly see which department is working the hardest and which needs to work a lot harder. Both the
Real-time and historical adherence tools will help you to improve you business and of course you profits, while at the same time improving levels of customer satisfaction.
You are able to hold each individual agent responsible for their own actions so no longer will they be able to hide under the cover of their team.