Having breast surgery is a life changing decision. No matter what surgery you are having, you want to make sure you have the most up-to-date and technologically advanced procedure possible. There have been several new advancements in breast augmentation in the past couple of years to help you have the safest and most satisfactory experience possible.
New Breast Implants
For a long time, only saline implants were available to most women who wanted to undergo breast augmentation. The FDA recently approved the use of silicone breast implants for all women. Before this approval, silicone implants were reserved for those who needed breast reconstruction or for those who were not candidates for saline implants.
There are three types of breast implants available:
Saline Silicone “Gummy Bear†(cohesive gel)
All three options for breast implants have their pros and cons. The saline in saline breast implants is easily absorbed by your body if the implant ruptures for any reason. The disadvantages are that they may ripple under the surface of your breast and they may not look as natural on women with smaller breasts.
Silicone breast implants do not cause health risks with the newer types. The newest implants will not leak if they rupture. There is a chance; however, that you will not notice there has been a rupture because they do not leak. Silicone implants look and feel more natural than saline.
The new Gummy Bear breast implants are very soft, strong, and pliable. No matter how they are pulled, pushed, or even if they are cut, they will never lose their natural shape. The term “gummy bear†refers to the filling inside the implant. Just like a gummy bear candy, the implant is not a liquid that can leak. It is a cohesive gel that cannot be deformed.
3D Model of Your Breast Augmentation
Some breast surgeons offer a 3D rendering program to help you decide what your body will look like with breast augmentation. Special digital photos will be taken of your body in 360 degrees. The 3D software program takes these photos and renders a model of your body with the breast size you desire. You can look at the renderings and decide if you want larger or smaller breast implants.
Sometimes, women decide the size they were thinking about is too large or what they really need is a breast lift. These 3D renderings help you and your breast surgeon decide what is best for you and what procedure will help you achieve your goals. Having an image of yourself with the breast implants you are interested in helps you understand how you will look and feel at that size.