Nexus One Update and Reviews of the Hot Features

The Nexus One comes locked and unlocked. If you get it locked you will have a contract, when your contract ends, you can go to a new cell phone carrier for service if you choose to do so. You’ll have to make sure that the phone is compatible with the carrier you’re thinking of switching to before you make a decision.

The Nexus One touch screen is very comparable to the Iphone. It’s simply some of the best technology out to date. With a quick brush of the screen you can see how nice and easy the navigation is. Most HTC Smart Phones come with this feature technology but the Nexus One brings it to the next level.

This phone a great long lasting battery which will allow you great lengths between charges. It also has many connection options to the internet. The more popular one is through Wi-Fi, which Google has financed into every airport in the United States. The phone also is integrated with the popular Android operating system which is gain a lot of buzz through out the blogoshere.

Android apps allows users to keep up with email and have access to their calendar and the information can be stored neatly in folders so you have access to what you need when you want it. This model also brings users Office Mobile and instant messaging as well.

Some smart phones limit the amount of third party applications you can have on your phone but with the Nexus One, you can have thousands of apps on your phone. The Android operating system brings consumers fast downloads so you don’t have to spend a lot of time waiting for what you want.

Saving you time in downloads is only one way this phone helps makes the most of your day. Completing your tasks are easier than ever when you’re busy on the go but need to zip off a quick message to a business contact. The Nexus One will help you spell like a champ because it automatically fixes simple spelling mistakes.

Have your phone your way. Certain phones will only allow you to keep it the way the manufacturer sets the specifications. But you can customize your Nexus One to suit the way you want a phone rather than being stuck with whatever you buy.

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