Ohio Wildblue Satellite Internet Users Enjoy Big Ten Updates

The Big Ten is made up of teams from Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. A lot of fans live about a mile outside of where major DSL companies like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, and Charter offers service. For most people it is hard to believe but in Big Ten country it’s the norm. This leaves the option of Satellite Internet. When it comes to college football the Big Ten fans are very supportive of their teams, many of which live in rural areas where they don’t have cable or DSL service.

Even though it is called the Big Ten there are 11 teams in the conference. All of these schools have very devoted fans and stadiums that regularly sell out every home game even if the team has a losing record. Penn St has the biggest stadium which seats 107,282 faithful fans followed by Michigan 106,201, Ohio St 102,329 and Wisconsin with 80,321 the remaining 7 teams also have stadiums that hold over 49,000 football fans and the conference even has their own Big Ten Network channel.

One of the only problems with being one of these fans is of not being able to get access to their favorite team websites, or see highlight videos on websites like ESPN.com because they live outside of the DSL area and are stuck on Dial-up. While many of us take high-speed Internet access for granted residents in these any many other rural areas across the country do not, that’s why WildBlue Internet service is continuing to grow in these areas.

WildBlue offers these sports fans high-speed Internet access to even some of the most remote places across the country. WildBlue has given many Pac-10 fans the opportunity they never really had to jump on their favorite websites and catch up on the latest news and reports about their teams in seconds. Many of them had tried but due to them having Dial-up it was never really a possibility.

With WildBlue not only can you view sporting news, but you can also join social networking sites like Facebook and communicate with other Big Ten fans across the country. Do not settle for Dial-up just because you live in a rural area where local companies don’t offer DSL, WildBlue is a better alternative and offers faster speeds.

By: Francis David

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