With a global trend of dumping the CRT TVs the sales and attractiveness of lcd tvs is increasing enormously, This increase is obviously being primarily driven by the introduction of digital broadcasting . Samsung LCD Tvs will give you a bright crystal clear picture and superb looks, and best of all a great price from Amazon.
Samsung has always pleased its viewers. Their screens whether it be the Samsung LCD TVs or the LCD Monitors as well as the display of their mobile phones – they have always been second to none. Samsung LCD TVs have always been reasonably priced and indeed quite a lot of their real competitors are seriously more expensive..
Samsung can provide a high resolution and good contrast ratio. Samsung being the largest manufacturer of TFT LCDs in the world can provide that top quality at affordable prices. The image rendering engine found in the Samsung LCD TVs is Samsung’s Digital Natural Image Engine. This eliminates noise whilst boosting contrasts and sharpening edges on fast moving images. The audio quality is always good.
The Samsung customer satisfaction team are always there to resolve your problems. But hope you will not need them!
A little bit in regards to the technical terms which could save you a fortune. There are two standards – HD Ready – This is the lowest HD standard. An indicator that the tv is capable of the lowest high resolution standard. This is known as 720p as it serves up a screen picture which is 1280720 pixels (which is, the height of the image is 720 pixels). The second standard is Full HD. This gives a higher resolution standard than 720p. This can be either 1080i or 1080p. 1080p – is regarded as Full HD. In this case, the image is 19201080 pixels. You may also see 1080i, this means “interlaced”.
Don’t be fooled by people saying you have to get 1080p. Many viewers say that if your TV is less than 60″ in size and if you sit at least 10 feet from the screen, 1080p won’t give you any clear difference in picture quality.For a 40″ TV in a living room, 1080p just isn’t worth it, Besides, a good solid 720p set with a good contrast ratio (like the Samsung can offer) will look a lot better than a cheaply made 1080p set any day.
Another tip – which could save you an vast amount of money. Be mindful – many online sites selling cheap LCDs, Plasmas, electronics many times are NOT authorized dealers of what they are selling,so most manufacturers will NOT honour the warranty – period. And, if they offer their own warranty, you had better hope the little guy is still in business when you need them and they actually do something about it.
If you are really looking at Samsung LCD Tvs visit http://buysamsunglcdtvs.com This useful website. There is information on all the models and the best prices on the internetAND you can purchase with 100% confidence.