The Best Way to Purchase Traffic: PPV vs PPC

I decided to purchase traffic for my new webpage. Other techniques of advertising had proven to be a real challenge. Backlinks for example, are good for ranking on Google. But they don’t really direct much traffic to your website. Directories can charge you hundreds of dollars just to be CONSIDERED. And if you don’t measure up your money is LOST!

So I went with PPC. Everyone says that PPC ads are the only way to get inexpensive traffic to your page quickly and easily. They are quick and easy, but the thing that most people forget to tell you is that often times the type of traffic you receive from PPC gets you very little return on your money! I did this without looking for a few months thinking that there was just no other way of advertising on a small budget.

But after I had maxed out my cards on unforseen fees from Google several times within a few weeks with very little money in exchange, there was little I could do but investigate another option. So I began trying to find a better and less expensive way to purchase traffic.

I truly didn’t think I would find something else. All the talk online and in the marketing blogs is about PPC. But then I discovered something called PPV! I had never heard of PPV advertising before. At first I thought it was about cable television and I almost dismissed it. But it has nothing to do with that.

I am so excited I discovered it! It has really made a large difference in the level of activity I get for my efforts. PPV is like PPC. But unlike PPC you only pay a small expense for each time of your website is reviewed.

The expense for PPC can be as high as (Hold on to your seat…) $30 per click. But with PPV the cost can be as inexpensive as $0.01 for each time your page is reviewed!! With PPC the user only has to “click” on one of your ads in order for you to be charged. But with PPV you never have to stress about paying for fake clicks again. Every user is specific. This means that only people that are interested in your offer will be reviewing it. Targeted advertising is the best way to get REAL traffic to your site.

I honestly don’t know why anyone would keep paying the elevated expenses of PPC advertising or try to get traffic in any other way. A newbie can do it without any difficulty. As a matter of fact I think it’s EASIER and more effective than PPC.

I would suggest PPV advertising to anyone. Even if you’ve been paying for PPC ads for years I would recommend that you try it.

Mathew Gregson shares his PPV traffic discoveries and Purchase Traffic Best Practices at Check out his Purchase Traffic Best Practices website for more information before everybody is on the bandwagon!

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