No weblog can survive without visitors, however a lack of visitors doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a problem with the content. Usually the problem is that your blog is not found by potential readers, particularly in more competitive subject areas. The key in obtaining visitors is to have a coordinated plan to use several techniques that will get your blog noticed. Listed below are several methods that should work well in generating more traffic to your blog.
The content of your blog is very important since that is the reason people visit your site. More importantly, it is the reason people return to your blog again and again. Knowing this then, the first thing to consider is your target audience. Your content needs both relevance and high value to the intended audience. Find out what your audience wants and if your posts satisfy them. Write your posts as though you were talking directly to them and make sure that what you have to say is worthwhile.
When you are creating new content you need to do more than just cover the basic niche information that your audience can get anywhere. You need to make your posts unique by injecting your own personality and style. Make sure you have researched your information so that your posts will quickly establish you as a knowledgeable and trust-worthy person. Soon you will gain the trust of your readers and be seen as an expert within the niche. If you do not accomplish these things your blog will never become more than moderately successful, at best, no matter what other techniques you employ.
In creating content you also need to make the commitment up front to publish consistently and on a fairly regular schedule. Assuming that your niche is something you are passionate about, this should not be a problem. But make sure that each of your posts have a consistent high quality and are meaningful and of high-value to your audience. Your readers will soon start to count on the arrival new posts and tell others about your weblog creating a steady increase in traffic.
On a technical note, you need to make sure that each new post produces an immediate blog ping. For those unfamiliar with pinging, a blog ping updates the blog servers when you add new posts to your site. Search engines and weblog directories then examine these servers for that the latest updates and index them into the search engines. Once this is done, your blog post can be found by searching on sites like Google or Yahoo. To make sure this is set up properly, look through the admin area on your blog and look for that section on automatic blog pinging.
You should also take full advantage of social media sites like StumbleUpon and Digg to build up traffic. To do this, create new articles relevant to your niche or compile them from previous posts then submit them to these sites. Both StumbleUpon and Digg can create major traffic increases if their users give the article a ‘Thumbs Up.’
Another way to use social media websites is to use an automatic submitter, like OnlyWire. By utilizing OnlyWire, you are able to set up accounts at up to 16 social bookmarking websites and then tie them for your OnlyWire account. Whenever you produce a new post for your weblog you are able to submit your post to all 16 websites with just 1 click. A few blogs now have plug-ins that even eliminate this step and submit all new posts automatically!
There are several ways to promote your blog. However, keep in mind, there is no one strategy for success when it comes to promoting your blog. To be successful you need to employ all of the techniques listed above consistently. It requires dedication, time, a strategy for the content, and patience but if you persist, the traffic will start flowing in!
After specializing in websites on exercise, healthy eating and internet for over a year, Ed Bushlang has invesigated a new topic and created, a site that evaluates and lists the best Allclad pans.