Marketing, is not simple. Many find themselves involved with many tools, products, associates, and just too many unnecessary items to market their products. Hard work is the tool of success. But marketing is never that easy as selling and profiting. It takes a great deal of confidence, determination, and open-mindedness for every possibility that may come along with your home marketing business. A report of the marketing secrets helps to clarify everything that is said about marketing. This means that there is a huge possibility that everything you do may be headed down the path of failure. With all of this in mind, here are the important reminders of Internet Marketing.
Things to do
Hard work, self-confidence, and determination are the most important thing to do. What Jason James said is the heart and soul of being successful without hard work you will fail. There is no such thing as overnight success. Success is rewarded when you have patience and determination to succeed.
The finances are undeniable. Everything is costly. It is costly from the web hosting server fees, copywriting expenses, graphic design costs, product development time and effort, PPC costs, affiliate commissions paid (many times 50-70%), customer support, product fulfillment, employee costs, etc.
Honesty is the best policy! You have to be honest. That is very true. Consumers, especially people in the home business world have smartened up quite a bit. Any of these words in the subject…”Amazing”, “shocking” and “life changing”, nine times out of ten the content/product is not “amazing”, “shocking” or “life changing.”
Create a squeeze page with your opt-in form so people can get your free gift. Have the first message in your auto-responder sequence give a download site for your ebook.
Don’t be afraid to fire your customers! The customers that pay you the least, will give you the most trouble.
Obtain products at a deep discount and/or for free. If you are interested in buying a product – first see if they have an affiliate program, sign up for that affiliate program, and then buy the product through your own affiliate link. You will be buying at a substantial, usually 30-70% discount. This is easily accomplished with Clickbank.
To get a product for free, email the product owner, tell him you have a mailing list and that you would like to promote his product, but first you will need to see a review copy in order to review it and judge its quality. You will be surprised at how fast the free product will be in your email box. And you never promised them anything. Of course if you like the product, promote it!
People will promote your products for you because they like you, want to make some money, and they want something in return now or in the future, and that is usually it. Once you have that face to face meeting with someone, everything changes.
Go to the seminars – a great tip is to room with somebody at these events so you can split the cost of the hotel room.
Private label rights or PLR products will save you time and make you money! private label rights products are an easy way to make money. With PLR you just put your name on a product, and BOOM it’s yours, and you get to keep 100% of the profits.
Always sell something people are looking to buy, not something.
You must build your mailing list early and often! If you are just starting out, or even if you are not, it’s imperative that you are constantly building your mailing list. The #1 free way to do it is this… spend 1 hour per day making 5 posts. Make sure you have a powerful signature, or tagline below every post you make. Offer a free report, make a powerful claim, etc. and then drive people to a squeeze page so they can claim their free download. Then you can announce your product launches to them, send affiliate offers, write a newsletter, run surveys to see what they want to buy, etc. Get building that list.
Protect your time and make more money with outsourcing! These days you can outsource many of your duties inexpensively.
The key is to take action, massive action! The day you take that risk, move out of your comfort zone, and get something out there is the day you start on a path to success.
The key to remember is your first project does not have to be perfect; you just have to get it out there and learn from your experience. Do not be afraid of failing. The quicker you start trying things and seeing what works and what does not you will achieve success faster.
Things not to do
Buy email addresses.
Do not safe lists to promote your products (they do not work)
Do not buy mass traffic or “hits”.
And going back to number one… Do not spam.
Do not buy the product through your own affiliate link if the affiliate and/or sales agreement says this method is forbidden.