The Influence Of Storytelling To Develop Your Life

I am very happy to report that the movie theater that has been under construction for the largest time has finally been completed. Now I will be able to walk over to the movie theater and watch movies whenever I please. One of my favorite hobbies is to watch movies. If I could, I would watch movies all day long, every day.

There is something about watching a movie that most people find particularly fascinating. It takes you away from the normal humdrum existence of boring everyday life and transports you to a wonderful world beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. Movies have been around for a long time, and as long as they’ve been making them, people have enjoyed them.

Before they could make movies, people would sit around and tell each other stories. Usually each tribe, or village, had it’s resident story teller, who was gifted in the art of taking people into a temporary fantasy land with only his or her words. The power of simple stories to help people overcome the stresses of ordinary life is phenomenal.

If you look at the structure of your basic story, or your basic movie, you’ll find a similar theme that runs underneath all the different stories. You have a basic character that goes on a journey. And through this journey, he makes new friends, forms new alliances, and has to join forces with these new friends to defeat a common enemy.

This structure has been documented many times, probably most notable in Joseph Campbell’s “The Power Of Myth.” In this book he illustrated how many myths from many different cultures share some of the basic structural elements. It is great evidence that humans are much more similar than different.

Whether you are studying ancient mythology, or simply spending an afternoon at your local movie theater, never underestimate the power of the movie to entertain and give you guidance on some of life’s most difficult challenges.

If you want to legally watch full movie downloads, hop on over to the movie download site today.

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