Instead of being an out-of-the-blue catastrophe hitting couples without any forewarning, there are actually multiple factors calling for any given divorce. No doubt it should be regretted that divorces today are far more frequent than they ever were in our history. More often than not, couples will many agonizing months if not years trying to work out their marital issues before finally arriving at the conclusion that a divorce is inevitable. Then again there are many who will opt for legal marriage separation right at the first sign of trouble.
One prime cause for marital dissolution is partner’s fundamental incompatibility. Far too many people marry too soon in their relationship before ever having gotten to know each other really well. After all, it’s only too easy to overlook possible issues and problems as long as love is still fresh. Only after having married, actually living together for an extended time in an intimate, day-to-day scenario will people begin to know each other as they really are.
Another prime cause of divorce is a fundamental carelessness if not downright negligence in actually talking to each other. True, at the end of the day no marriage is perfect and all couples will typically have to brave some rough times at various stages points in their liaison. But even the seemingly most trivial of problems may easily intensify and escalate dramatically if ignored. It’s extremely to try and practice best communication skills right at the kick-off, i.e. at the start of any marriage. If you do take the trouble to heed this advice, chances are it’ll be a lot easier to discuss matters if and when issues crop up.
Marriage dissolution among younger couples generally has three main causes: money, sex and time. Many young people will bring their individual debts into a marriage, causing considerable friction and grief right at the start because as a rule it will affect their overall finances in a decidedly negative manner.
As for sex, while it it is generally believed to be the one thing that brings partners closer to each other, it is also the one thing that will tear them apart as well! Be it lack of sex, different attitudes and expectation in this field or downright infidelity – sexual problems between partners provoke a great percentage of today’s divorces, though this holds true for all age groups, i.e. it’s not restricted to young married couples at all. Frequently, a marriage may fail because the time partners spend with each other requires an improved prioritization. For example, when one member feels they are stuck alone with having to handle all of the bills, the daily household chores, etc. they may develop a grudge (even unconsciiusly) against their partner very fast.
Regrettably, due to the overwhelming burden of debts many couples have to cope with, it is quite common that either the husband or wife will have to work unduly long hours. In such a scenario there usually isn’t much choice in terms of prioritizing mutual time.
Finally, domestic violence is noticeably on the rise and it accounts for a great number of divorces each and every year. Should you be in the unfortunate position of suffering from this type of marital domestic abuse, be it physical or verbal, you should always remember that your health and safety are way more important than saving your troubled marriage!
Marital counseling can be a great help, of course. But if it doesn’t, it’s certainly better to end the relationship rather than running the risk of things deteriorating any further. Should you actually have to go down the divorce road, the Internet can be a fantastic source helping you to at least minimize the expenses of complex divorce proceedings. E.g. an online divorce is fast and relatively painless because you can fill in the separation papers for your uncontested divorce decree in the comfort of your home. Saving divorce attorney fees will slash costs significantly, and a good online service will always have the latest versions of your home state’s required divorce decree forms, often even offering free sample divorce forms.