Making more sales is the central reasons companies choose to optimize their web pages. The Search Engine Optimization or SEO process enables a business web page to appear as a search result when a user executes a search for product information on one of the common search engines such as Google or Yahoo! Savvy sales organizations have learned that getting company information into the hands of potential customers at the point in the buying process where the customer is researching a purchase gives the organization a strong chance to earn a new customer.
Actually optimizing the business web page can be a daunting task however. Hiring an SEO consultant can get the job done, but can also cost real dollars a start up or new business may not have. Even if the enterprise chooses to bring in an SEO consultant or coordinator, the business owner should understand the basic methods that person will be using to bring the business page to the top of the search engine results.
Although complex methodologies exist for SEO, there really are essentially five simple, effective and efficient methods. These methods have been successfully employed by SEO Consultants in Denver and have delivered solid results.
On Page Modifications – Finding or identifying meaningful words and phrases that describe the business and page content that consumers would also use in searching for information is a difficult chore. However identification of these terms and phrases (keywords) is essential as these are the terms that the search engines will use to understand what the business website is about.
When these phrases are identified, they should be used in the title, headlines and text of the web page. Use of these phrases in the content body though, should not be overdone. Overuse of these terms can be viewed negatively by search engines, so the web author should only use the keyword terms in a form that they would normally be used in conversation.
Investing time in learning keyword selection and modifying keywords if the original ones do not generate the results you need is time well-spent. Keyword selection really is a business art form requiring understanding of language, communication and customer behavior.
Off Page Optimization – The term ‘Off Page’ refers to the part of the SEO effort that takes place outside of the business owner’s website and refers mostly to efforts to let readers and internet users know that the page exists and provides good content. There are four pieces to the ‘Off Page’ process:
Blogging Article Marketing Site Submission Direct Outreach
Blogging – Information gained by reading blogs in the business subject area is valuable. Setting a link back to the business website by commenting on other blogs is also quite valuable. These links are viewed as ‘votes’ for the business website. To enhance the value the business gets from leaving a blog comment, label the link you leave (usually by using this in the Username portion of the comment form) using one of your short keyword terms.
Articles – Article composition unfortunately takes time. However by embedding a link to the website within the content of the article, the business can build a network of back links by distributing these articles to article directories. Compositions need not be terribly long – the baseline for acceptance in most directories is 500 words or so.
Site Submission – Most search engines including Google, allow the website owner to submit the website to its search engine directly. This generally causes the search engine to send out a ‘robot’ or crawler to review the business page and to validate its content. For newer and start-up business sites, this can provide a head-start and get your site into prospective customer’s view sooner.
Direct Outreach – Asking other website owners or webmasters to set a link to your business page is a common and highly useful way of increasing the number of links that point to the business web page. This usually requires offering something of value in return for this favor though. In most cases, unique content or articles that the business doesn’t distribute anywhere else can be offered in exchange for the favor. This effort requires investing in building new relationships within the business niche and can take time to manage.
Other tactics help in the effort to get your page into the top Search Engine Results, but these five elements can get your page in the game.
SEO Consultants Denver assist businesses of all types compete for new sales via the internet. With a track record of placing sites in Google’s top ten results, our organization uses proven methods and cutting edge techniques to win internet traffic and customers to business websites.