Top Ten Article Writing Tips to Succeed in Writing for the Internet

Article Writing has in recent times become extremely popular. A poorly written article can be harmful, both to you as the author and the products you are promoting. The article you write should not only display your creative and imaginative skills but also satisfy the needs of your target audience.
These ten article writing tips can act as a guide in helping those who wish to succeed in writing articles for the internet.

1. Write on a Topic that you know best:

Always write on some topic that you know best or are familiar with. If you have a website it is important to write on topics relevant to your website. The reason is obvious. No visitor will want to visit a website he is not interested in.

2. Have a Captivating Title:

This is the most important of all the writing tips. The title should be powerful and captivating but not misleading. Spend some time and think about a title that will attract and captivate the imagination of your target audience.

3. Organize your Topic in a Point wise form:

You topic should be organized in a point wise form so that the reader easily understands and grasps your ideas. There should be an Introduction at the commencement and a Conclusion at the end of the article.

4. Have sub-titles, Numbers or Bullet points:

When the article is organized in the above manner, it will be even more effective if these sections have sub-titles, numbers or bullet points. When the audience click on the title of your article and view the sub titles and the organized presentation, you can be certain that they will want to read your article.

5. Use simple language and Short sentences:

One of the best article writing tips I ever got was to use simple language. Most of your audience will be people who want to learn some thing from your article and would find it difficult to understand technical jargon. Simple language also helps those whose mother tongue is not English, to understand and appreciate your writing. Short sentences are attractive, easily readable and understood. Like getting lost in translation the point you so anxiously wish to make can be lost by the time the reader finds his way to the end of a long sentence.

6. Avoid grammatical mistakes and spelling errors:

However good the article might be, if it is sprinkled with grammatical mistakes typos and spelling errors, the reader will before long click away from the article. Proof read and Spell check your article before submission.

7. Display your Expertise:

One of the great advantageous in writing for the internet is the opportunity you get to display your expertise. The more you are able to convince the audience of your knowledge and skills, the more popular you will be in the internet world and more targeted visitors you will get to your website. Always proof read your article.

8. Limit the length of article:

Always limit the length of your article. It should neither be too short or too long. The popular range is between 500 words and 650 words. This gives you sufficient space to express yourself clearly to your targeted audience.

9. Do Not Sell:

If you want your article to be read, appreciated and published by other webmasters, then do not sell. You will loose credibility if you have links from your article to your products and services.

10. Resource Box:

Though this is the last of the ten article writing tips, this tip is of vital importance. Here you get the opportunity to write a few lines about yourself, your website and have a life link to your website. Where ever possible link to your website using HTML code and having the keywords embedded in it. Make the best use of it.


Writing good content is absolutely important if you wish to succeed in the internet. These ten article writing tips I am confident will be a source of inspiration and motivation for you to write top quality articles. Your own imaginative and creative skills can make them even better.

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