As you begin playing WOW you will realize nearly instantly that you get quests from NPC’s (computer ran characters) that have noticeable yellow exclamation point means they have quests for you to do. The quests will be of various design and have different objects as well as various rewards such as equipment and experience. Of course at first glance this doesn’t seem too difficult, but there are just as many various forms of questing as their are levels in wow.
You will most often come across quests requiring you to kill something. These quests will either be centered around killing a certain number of enemies or picking up a certain number of objects that are dropped when you kill certain enemies. A slightly harder quest will center around killing a particular named mob. These quests are much the same as grinding.
Delivery quests, on the other hand, will ask you to travel from place to place. These quests are particularly common in the early levels, as they will take you from zone to zone. You are usually given a package or a message and then given directions. Sometimes it is within the same zone, but they can be on a different continent, and in the case of Outland, it will be on a different world.
Some quests will be timed and as such you must complete them within the allocated time. You will be given a healthy amount of time to complete them, but be careful to complete them before other non-timed quests. Delivery quests are usually timed. You can be asked to complete an escort quest, where you defend a NPC as they move through enemy territory. If you come across an escort quest whilst in the midst of another timed quest, it is best to wait until you have completed the timed quest first, as the escort quest will likely take you further from your timed quests goal. You may want to get help to accomplish an escort quest as you will find yourself fighting a lot of enemies at once.
But there are quest that only appear during the holidays as well. Two good examples of this form of quests would be Hallows End and Winterveil, you can easily earn alot of exp from these quests. The objects of these quests are usually quite different and may have you using emotes at certain NPCs or even trick or treating.
When you are thinking about questing and how they can affect your enjoyment of the game, consider how a quest leveling guide can help you achieve your goals!
Nubun’s WOW guide is not another useless grinding guide. It is a fast quest leveling guide that will drop your leveling time and so aids you quickly reach your level 80.