Accommodation is likely to be small, will be expensive, and not easy to come by. In the small apartment that you are likely to get, your moving boxes might have to do the job of the furniture, at least in the beginning. So make sure that your boxes are strong enough to double as many other things at least temporarily.
Moving New York could be a bit of a conundrum. It is a city that fascinates and frightens at the same time, so that the mover may not exactly be sure whether to rejoice or recoil. However, the pleasure-terror equation would be clearer when an important factor is taken into consideration – much will depend on whether you are Moving to New York because you have a got a job there, or whether you are Moving to New York in search of a job. And the number of moving boxes that you may require for shifting your belongings would depend wholly upon the answer to that question.
Consider that you are Moving to New York from a smaller city, and will be doing the same type of job there, and will be drawing the same salary that you were drawing till then. Chances are that you will have to pay double the rent that you were till then paying, for a place half the size of the one you had till then. It will also translate into a verity, that you will be able to spend on food, only half of what you have been spending till then on food.
None of this is meant to be deprecatory of New York. On the contrary, it is a bit of a eulogy, because, with all its traps and trenches the place is still considered an attractive proposition from the point of view of those who have jobs and those who are on the lookout for jobs. So, you can pack your things and move. But you may not need too many moving boxes because, at least to start with, you are unlikely to be living in any big place. So pack only those things that will be unavoidable to keep your body and soul together. And make sure that you will be using really strong moving boxes which can withstand some rough handling and maybe some shifting from one friend’s house to another after Moving to New York.
Afterwards, your moving boxes may have to double as your table or chair or cupboard or even a cot (if they are real strong ones and are tightly filled and packed, and closely stacked in a line). So go in for really strong boxes. The strength of a cardboard box will be indicated on its underside in what is known as burst strength. A burst strength of 200 lbs per sq. inch will mean that it can withstand that much pressure per square inch. The higher the number, the more its strength and make sure that your moving boxes are of a grade with the highest available burst strength. So, if you are moving New York, fortify yourself with strong boxes, which will be able to withstand the pressures of the rough journey and the rougher early stages of your stay in New York.