WAR Leveling Guide – Best Method To Level In War Online

Warhammer Online is my favorite PvP game and I’ve been playing is since it was released. Since I like PvP so much, leveling one character is quite a bother for me though. That’s why until not long ago I had only one toon at a maximum rank, but eventually I got bored of it and even thought of quitting the game instead of trying another class. To keep me in game, a friend told me about a WAR leveling guide.

The WAR leveling guide I have been using really helped me a lot to increase the speed leveling rate, as well as to maximize the potential of my character. I managed to get way ahead my guildies and also become the first in my guild to rank 40. I felt a little guilty for using that powerful information and I’m going to show the best way to level a toon to 40 with and a few tips to spice up your leveling.

WAR Leveling Guide – Tips To Increase Your Leveling Speed In Warhammer: Age of Reckoning

1. Before even starting a character in Warhammer, think of an AoE spec. If the class you choose doesn’t have good AoE abilities, then focus on improving the most powerful single target spells and skills and also defenses, to kill 1 target as fast as possible;

2. Whenever you sign up for a battle scenario, don’t forget to pick up the repeatable quests. If your team wins, you will be able to have these quests completed after each scenario run, which will grant you a nice bonus of XP and renown points.

3. Before leaving a settlement for questing or grinding, empty your inventory to have as much space as possible for quest items and loot.

WAR Leveling Guide – The Fastest Leveling Method For WAR Online

To be a fast leveler, you need to combine a few types of leveling. More exactly, you need to solve all the normal quests that you can get from a certain camp of NPCs, but only if you can complete 3-4 at the time and at the same place. Take part in Public Quests if you can find a good group and always sign up for Battle Scenarios. If you can kill large numbers of mobs using area-of-effect abilities, it’s not a bad idea to grind this way if you find a camp with many mobs and a good respawn rate.

Following the rigorously made leveling path of this WAR leveling guide, I managed to finish my last character in just a few days. Knowing exactly where to go and what to do all the time really simplifies things. That’s why I strongly recommend this guide to all the WAR players out there.

Here’s the WAR leveling guide I’ve been using. Also, this link will take you to a Warhammer Online Leveling Guide review where you can see the best leveling guides for this game ever made.

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