Making a web conference call is nothing new. Even so, it hasnt exactly overthrown traditional call conferencing from its pedestal. Some predict though, that it will only be a matter of time before it takes the center stage. After all, there are a couple of good reasons to prefer internet conferencing.
– A web-based conference call is easier and cheaper to set up because it relies on VoIP technology which does not make use of older and more expensive circuit switching technology. There are even services providers who do not charge you for it as long as you use it within certain limits and even if these were paid services, it will still come out relatively cheaper than traditional telephone audio conferences.
– Calls made through the internet is very easy to start. All you have to do is simply sign up for a service or download a software. Instructions on what to do after you sign up are provided by these companies. For free services, using them can be as easy as adding contacts and clicking call to make a connection.
– With web conference call, there is no need for special set ups. All that is required is a basic internet conference call, you just need your computer, internet connection, microphone and speakers. If you want special features added, your service providers can easily recommend a few equipments to accommodate your needs.
– Web conference calls can be made from nearly anywhere. You can even make calls on your vacation or from anywhere as long as you have a satellite internet connection.
– Aside from plain audio communications, web conference call can also include more advanced features like video conference call. The best services however can go one step higher. They can allow information swapping and sharing online which is a clear advantage for businesses that have satellite office in different parts of the world.
Web conferencing can offer so much to an organization in terms of communication. Like anything else though, it also has limitations and disadvantages. Everyone knows that the internet does not always provide perfect connections. Another possibility is the incompatibility with old computer systems or hardware and the internet technology.
Because it relies mostly on internet connection, web conferencing is also susceptible to virus attacks and hacking. In worst cases, important information can also be stolen from you as you send them through the internet.
Web conferencing remains a valuable tool despite its disadvantages regardless of whether you would like to make a web conference call for personal or business reasons. With all the fast-paced technological innovations, these disadvantages can be easily addressed.
Get more regarding business conference call. Find out where you can make toll free conference call online.