Web Stats Software

It is important to keep yourself updated with numbers in all types of business both in online as well as in offline business. In most cases people tend to forget about this when they get busy with their daily work. It is easy to track one’s website stats by using web stats software. You will have to learn the tips and tricks of doing web business after you install a website. The best marketing tools although lies right on the server surprisingly many never use it. It remains one among the most overlooked resource despite of being very handy and convenient. This is a tool which provides websites statistics. Examine these web stats if you have never done it before for you are missing out information on real gold mine. You will find this in the control panel segment of the web hosting company. Many web hosts email it if you face problems accessing it yourself. Discover important information – Probably, you have become familiar in finding about the number of hits and the number of people visiting your website through the web stats. Most web stats programs not just informs you about the number of visitors your site has had, but also about the pages they visited and the time they spend on that particular page. It will also tell you about the page they viewed last on your website before they browsed on to the others. SEO and keywords – If you wish to have your website search engine optimized but unsure about the kind of keywords you need to use, follow the web stats file section which will show the search engine and the kind of keywords entered by people while searching for your site. Even it these strategies does not catapult your site to numero uno on Google overnight, if done the correct way it can enhance your rankings. Enchanting referrers – The referrer section is another great aspect of the web stats software. It provides you information about search engines and sites that are referring your site to various visitors. Referrals generally come from news groups, forums, clubs, other websites and even from competitors. So find out who is referring people to your website. Many a times, someone having good experience with your company might be referring your company to those on message board looking for similar service or product. Make use of your web stats – If you find visitors leaving few seconds after hitting the index page, look for it in few other browsers for they are created differently. So if you find people leaving your shopping cart at a particular point – it could either be due to too high shipping costs or due to a faulty program. Find the items that are most popular and promote these to attract more visitors. The software will help you to fine tune your webpage either equal to or better than that of your competitor’s. Now, since you have got acquainted with the functionalities of web stats start using it today and promote your internet business.

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