The internet is full of websites that offer free movie downloads, and yes – it’s true you can find just about any movie you want if you look long enough. They can range from cute rated “G” flicks to those you wouldn’t want to watch with your grandparents. But you have to be careful – especially these days – in looking for sites that offer the latest and greatest at no cost to you. Sometimes “something for nothing” is nothing you want. So here are a few tips to keep in mind when web surfing, that could save you from experiencing “computer home theater” regret:
Make sure free actually means “free” – No one looks forward to getting hit with the unexpected reality that “free movies” really means a free TRIAL membership they didn’t want. This is especially irksome after they’ve spent the last hour on some endless form that supposedly gains them access to no-cost downloads. Then add in the fine print telling them they’re expected to pay for three months in advance before they can get access to any movie, and that person wants to scream – to say the least.
In order to save hours of navigation through misleading advertisements, and wasting even more time on their endless forms – you might find the real thing faster by using key words like “completely free movies” in your online searches.
Be prepared to run into snafus everywhere – Once you actually find a free film site, the next job is to locate a download link that will get you what you want. Although sometimes you can find one immediately, and it goes off without any problems, most of the time you’ll have to put in some leg work to get it. You may run into things like broken download links, or ones that lead you to other sites so you can purchase their “free” movie torrent program, or worst of all – to the announcement that the page you want is no longer available.
Always know what operating system your computer uses – Sometimes you’ll be asked to pick from a choice of several links – depending on what OS your computer uses. And if it uses one type of system and you pick the link for another, your computer won’t be able to read the download, you won’t get to watch your movie – and your system could be at risk from corrupted data.
Always download information from the internet onto a flash drive – As you know, one must be extra careful these days with all the things that can contaminate a system. This is especially true for those whose computers lack an on-the-spot- virus program that removes threats as they come up.
It’s smart to make it a practice of saving anything from the internet to a portable flash drive – especially things like movies – and then scanning it for any errors before opening it up on your computer. If you don’t have access to one of these drives, then save the file to a folder on your computer’s hard drive, making sure to scan it before attempting to view the contents.
When you find those sites offering free movie downloads, be aware that they don’t always mean “free” in the literal sense. Many an internet surfer has jumped to accept something they thought would cost them nothing, only to find out that they’d be paying for it in more ways than one, somewhere down the road.
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