Here are my thoughts and advices when you buy electronic Gadgets from an Electronic related store, you must ensure that you have a guarantee on the quality of electronic merchandise that you bought. Because of long-term usage might result in the damages that your gadgets may take .But whatever it is, the importance of electronic in your daily life have become more and more evident. In those situations, when ordering from any store, you’d better notice whether they have electronics quality warranty to protect your electronic goods. When the damage to your gadgets is sudden, you should be able to get guarantees for fix and/or refund.
In my opinion, I think each supplier of electronic gadgets should consider consumers satisfaction when producing their electronic products. The only way to solve this problem is by offering customer warranty. This contains official company warranty for any sudden damage from customer and other production errors or other sorts of damages. One example of electronic gadget that should have warranty is a mobile phone. Most mobile phones come with warranty. After customer shops their favorite mobile phones at online store .but when they get the electronic goods, they disappointingly find damage on the cover. With the warranty, they can ask the store for repair or replacement. This is also true with other electronic goods such as baby video monitors that have general warranty to allow customers to ask for service improvements within a specified period. I assume that the ultimate goals of manufacturers are to make our customer 100% satisfaction .That’s the best ways to promote their products popularity. Finally run your business better.