Level your World of Warcraft character fast with zygor’s leveling guide. This software connects with the WoW client giving you up to date information as you play through your quests. With the leveling guide you won’t need to change screens to consult the guide or other websites any longer! If you have been thinking long and hard about a way to go up levels on WoW, then you need to pay close attention to what we are about to tell you. This leveling guide will give you everything you have ever wanted as far as information pertaining to leveling up that character on World of Warcraft goes.
There are two ways of using the leveling guide. The software offers an in game view that gives you all the information needed for leveling on your current and your future quests. It also offers a small view with a transparent window and this is one of the biggest advantages of the software.
Also, it offers an unobtrusive, transparent window allowing you to continue with your playing easily with this open. This shows everything needed to achieve the quest you are on at the moment, as well as future steps.
Even better, while you are adventuring a small arrow shows you where you need to travel for the next part of the quest!
Zygor’s Leveling Guide offers a very easy to use guide in-game to improve your leveling and your WoW gaming. Compared to other guides it presents superb functionality and is a valuable tool for new players and players more experienced in World of Warcraft.
Waypoints are another useful feature of the guide, adding to the map which is found in WoW. For the quest you are on at the moment, a waypoint appears on your map showing you what is necessary and where you need to go for your quests.
This makes it very simple to plan where you should be going and what you need to do.
Zygor’s guide is popular and well established among World of Warcraft players and is held in high regard. An essential companion for leveling Alliance or Horde characters, Zygor’s leveling guide is one of the most popular and useful tools which will help even new players level their characters fast. We now have a level eighty character with the second expansion and we are looking forward to the third expansion so that we can work our way all the way up to level eighty five. Again, this is one helpful guide…
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