Dont Get Lost Shopping for GPS Navigation Devices

Searching through GPS navigation devices is easiest when you begin with the basics. Before you get all strung out and confused with too many details, start with the broad, general key points of each potential GPS device, then you can work your way through the dozens of tiny options and features that GPS navigation devices have to offer.

Whether you are looking for a hand held GPS device or an auto GPS unit, the size should be one of the first things you consider. GPS navigation devices that are too small have screens that are too small, and they can be difficult to read. On the other hand, the larger the unit is, usually the heavier it becomes, and it can end up getting in your way more than it shows you your way. Make sure you narrow down your choices to units that are comfortably sized for your use. Of course, probably the single biggest factor in deciding on GPS navigation devices is price.

Depending on what features and abilities you want, prices range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars up to a few thousand dollars. Before you walk into a store, have a price range already in mind that you are comfortable with, and stick to that.

Many people find that GPS navigation devices with pre loaded maps are useful, and be sure to find a unit with a strong receiver that will prove the units reliability and dependability to you. Many devices can warn you of points of interest such as tolls, construction, and traffic as well as other things like landmarks, restaurants, and even ATMs. Once you decide how important the points of interest feature is to you, you should think about how much more money you are willing to spend for features like built in cameras and mp3 player capabilities. If you honestly do not see yourself needing things like that, be sure to weed out the ones that have the features, because you will be paying extra for them.

If you are in the market for an auto GPS navigation device, first of all, keep in mind that you will be driving in all kinds of weather and times of the day. A bright screen with an anti glare feature is almost required these days. Wide displays also make the maps and information easier to view and interpret, keeping your eyes on the road more often, as they should be.

Make sure when you are shopping for a GPS unit that you look at the unit screen from a distance, so you can see whether or not you can clearly read it.
Some of the more optional features that people do enjoy are a variety of route options, a large points of interest database, or the option to add your own points of interest in, and even text to speech conversion capabilities.

Many people love the fact that their GPS navigation device speaks directions to them. And finally, just for fun, many devices in all price ranges have added fun things purely for your entertainment, such as the option to change the sound of the devices voice. You can choose a man, a woman, and even a celebrity voice to tell you where to go.

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