How To Get Fafety From Mutual Friends in Facebook Privacy Settings?

Facebook privacy settings make it easy to connect with people, friends, acquaintances and family members in his life here. Sometimes you can get to from a common friend on Facebook privacy settings do not prefer to interact. By adjusting your face book privacy settings in your Facebook privacy settings, you can ensure that they are invisible ones they search through the search capabilities of Facebook privacy settings. By blocking your friends on Facebook privacy settings mutual identity, you can hardly avoid interactions with those who prefer to avoid.


Pretty simple



Log in to your Facebook privacy settings profile. Click on “Account” in the upper right corner of the homepage of Facebook privacy settings. Click “Facebook privacy settings.”


Here you will find the option titled “Facebook privacy settings Connect” and click “Display Facebook privacy settings”.


Set the drop-down menu next to “Search Facebook privacy settings” option “Only my friends.” Well, the only people to see you when you see one’s name that is already accepted as friends.


Click on “Back to private life.” “Share on Facebook privacy settings” option “Just Friends.” This ensures that your data, photos and interest will be shared with friends.


Click on “Edit listings” at the bottom of the page under “red lists” situation. Enter your name and email address of the person to “want to avoid block user” on the field. It will ensure that the person is not able to contact you in any way. If you put a person on your block list will Facebook privacy settings make you virtually invisible to that person, even if on the status updates of friends in common and Photos comment.

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