Multilevel marketing (MLM) is broadly a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate but also for the sales of others they recruit. The entire process is termed as creating a down line of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Multiple level marketing is also known as network marketing, direct selling and referral marketing.
BizMLMware software is a complete comprehensive solution which has the functionality to deal with the most challenging MLM issues. Our customized MLM software plays an important role in the success of MLM organization. We assure to integrate all types of MLM services plans as per client requirement.
Features of Biz MLMware: –
Ø Perfect Software Solution for all types of MLM plans
Ø MLM Software is Simple, User Friendly reliable and easy to operate fully based on Web2.0 Standards
Ø Member Registration using SMS Facility (add-on M-commerce Facility )
Ø MLM Software is Fully Organized member and administration section / Module.
Ø MLM Incentive calculations / Statement generation within few minutes.
Ø MLM Software has a Facility of exporting all the reports into Microsoft Excel, Word.
Ø Provision for credit card Payment Gateway Integration
Ø Bulk SMS software can be Integrated with MLM BLASTER
Ø Immediate Recovery of Data (Auto Backup facility)
Ø Unique combination of Offline and Online software
Ø MLM Software provides Registration logins through Prepaid Voucher / E-Pin system / Credit Card / Gateway.
Ø MLM Software is having Integration with Smart Cards for Repurchase or Loyalty plan.
Ø MLM Software has Flexible customization available within a short period of time.
Ø For this MLM Software, Integration of add on services can be included immediately.
Ø MLM Software provides Multi user with great sense of security.
Ø Auto SMS Sending Facility after Registration, Payouts, Awards, Rewards
Ø Auto Payout Calculation Facility Provided
Ø SMS Scheduling Add on Provided
Ø Joining facility using Mobile Add-on Service
MLMware Includes: –
- Online Registration
- Online Genealogy
- Online Welcome Letter
- Incentive Calculations
- TDS certificates
- Auto Backup
- Incentive Voucher
- Product Delivery
- Online Accounts
- Online Messaging
- Online Member Profile
- Online Receipt
- TDS calculations
- Statistical (Graphical) reports
- Advance taken by Members
- Cheque printing
- Help Desk
Benefits of Biz MLMWare: –
- Our MLM software is easy to understand as well as operate, reliable and absolutely user friendly.
- All features of the software are extremely flexible and can be customized according to clients needs, even at a short notice.
- We offer unlimited support via phone and email even after working hours.
- This MLM software provides access to all product upgrades in time.
- Biz MLMWare can adopt any kind of MLM Business Plan and Environment.
- It offers Online Registration of MLM Members.
- Self-Replicating Websites.
- Rapid automation of MLM Incentive calculation and report.
- This MLM Software provides the facility of report conversion into Microsoft Excel, Word, etc.
- Provision of integration of Bulk SMS software (Biz Messenger).
- This MLM software provides Restricted Access features to different administrators with respective admin rights.
- Our MLM software has a communication system with a series of follow up messages.
- Biz MLMWare offers the facility to send messages simply through a click of a mouse.
- MLM member ID generator facility is also provided through this software.