New frontiers with the New Technology in the Standing Wheelchair

A Standing wheelchair is one that supports the user in a nearly standing position. They can be used as both a wheelchair and a standing frame, allowing the user to sit or stand in the wheelchair as they wish. They often go from sitting to standing with a hydraulic pump or electric-powered assist.

The Major Benefits of using the Wheelchairs

For years wheelchairs have been designed and used to provide simple mobility and freedom with limited independence to those who have to use them for various reasons. The wheel chair manufacturers have been looking for the break though to give users the independence and quality of live they require. A good example of wheel chairs that change lifes would be the climbing wheelchair. Now the standing wheelchair has given the users the option to sit or stand as they work or for leisure.

The Revolutionary Design

Standing wheelchairs are different to other wheelchairs in that they give you the chance to take part in activities that you may have only done before you were in a wheelchair. Basic tasks like cooking, greeting people, talking to others at eye level, giving presentations and general reaching for thing high up.

The design of a standing wheel chair is to fold as you stand up, this gives the effect of holding and supporting your body against the wheelchair. Normal or standard wheelchairs will only tilt or recline where as the standing wheelchair it will give full support even if your tired and weak.

Standing Wheelchair Manufacturer

The manufacturer of the standing wheelchair is the standing company at there site they can answer all the questions that you may have before you consider buying there wheelchair.

Other Features on the Wheelchair

The standing wheelchair is half powered which basically means it controlled by a joystick located near your hand. The standing wheelchair is able to cross mainly terrains such as gravel and grass and also can go indoors with ease.

The 4 wheel drive features allow the standing wheelchair to cross surface with ease and leave other wheelchairs behind. Terrains such as grass and cement are little trouble and slopes don’t slow it down too.

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